Which of the arguments for abortion listed below is most confusing to you as a Christian? Let’s talk through one at a time to see why they are all myths that don’t hold up under scrutiny.

  • “If you aren’t going to adopt the unwanted babies, you shouldn’t try to stop abortion.”
  • “A child who isn’t planned is most likely going to be neglected, unwanted, or even abused.”
  • “Women have a right to decide what to do with their own bodies.”
  • “Calling abortion ‘murder‘ is over the top.”
  • Talking about abortion is unloving and offensive to women who have had abortions in the past.”
  • “It’s best to speak quietly and one-on-one about this topic rather than through a public platform.”
  • “Sometimes an abortion is necessary to save a woman’s life.”
  • “Women will resort to dangerous, back-alley abortions if we make it illegal.”
  • “A woman should be allowed to abort a child who is disabled or who will suffer for some other reason if carried to term.”
  • “We must make exceptions in the case of rape or incest.”
  • Enforcing anti-abortion laws would be impossible, so it’s best to just keep it legal and safe.”


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